
Bible Stories in a Nutshell

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Learn about God

The Life of Jesus - 25 stories in a nutshell

Jesus is the Son of God
1.Angel Gabriel visit Marry
2. Jesus is Born
3. Visit of the Wise Men
4. Jesus at the Temple
5. Baptism of Jesus
6. Jesus is Tempted
7. Calling of the Disciples
8. Jesus at the Wedding

Jesus is Lord
9.   Jesus Heals a Paralytic
10. The Faith of the Centurion
11. Jesus Calms the Storm
12. Jairus' Daughter
13. Feeding the Five Thousand
14. Jesus Walks on Water
15. Man Born Blind
16. Lazarus
17. Jesus Anointed at Bethany

Jesus is Savior
18. The Triumphal Entry
19. Washing the Disciples Feet
20. Garden of Gethsemane
21. Trial and Crucifixion
22. The Resurrection
23. On the Road to Emmaus
24. Jesus Appears to the Disciples
25. Ascension

The Disciples and the Early Church - 20 stories in a nutshell

1. Great Commission and Ascension
2. Day of Pentecost
3. Fellowship of Believers
4. Peter Heals the Crippled Beggar
5. Peter and John Arrested
6. Community
7. The Apostles Arrested

8. The Stoning of Stephen
9. Philip and the Ethiopian
10. Saul's Conversion
11. Escape from Prison
12. Paul and Barnabas Sent
13. People Try to Worship Paul
14. Paul and Silas in Prison

15. The Philippean Jailer
16. Paul Preaches in Athens
17. The Riot in Ephesus
18. Paul Arrested In Jerusalem
19. The Shipwreck
20. Paul Preaches in Rome

The Old Testament - 25 stories in a nutshell

1. Creation
2. Fall of Man
3. The Flood
4. Abraham
5. Isaac's Substitute
6. Joseph's Journey
7. Joseph's Brothers in Egypt
8. Moses' Early Life

9. The Ten Plagues and Passover
10. Crossing the Sea
11. Ten Commandments
12. Twelve Spies
13. The Jordan and Jericho
14. Gideon
15. Ruth
16. Samuel to Saul to David
17. David and Goliath

18. Solomon and Wisdom
19. Elijah on Mount Carmel
20. Elisha's Miracles
21. Jonah and the Great Fish
22. Daniel
23. Daniel in the Lion's Den
24. Esther Saves Her People
25. Ezra and Nehemiah

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