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| Saul’s Conversion
Saul’s Conversion – Acts 9:1-22The Story in a nutshell There was a man named Saul; he was a witness to the stoning of Stephen. He didn’t like what was going on and was on a mission to destroy all the followers of Jesus. One day as he was nearing Damascus a brilliant light from heaven beamed down upon him. It drove him to the ground. Then a voice said, “Saul! Saul! Why are you persecuting me?” “Who are you?” Saul asked. The voice replied, “I am Jesus, the one you are persecuting.” Then the voice said, “Get up, go into the city, and you will be told what to do.” As Saul got up, he discovered he was blind, so some companions led Saul into Damascus. There Saul waited for three days without eating any food or drinking any water. At this same time all this was happening, the Lord spoke to a man named Ananias. He was a follower of Jesus and he lived in Damascus. The Lord told Ananias to go to Saul and lay hands on him so he could see. Ananias didn’t want to do it for he had heard about Saul and his mission to destroy believers. But the Lord told Ananias everything would be okay. Saul was going to become the Lord’s instrument to bring the message of salvation to the gentiles, kings, and the people of Israel. Ananias went to Saul and did as he was told. Saul’s sight was restored, he was filled with the Holy Spirit, and he got baptized. Then he ate some food and was strengthened. Saul remained in Damascus several days preaching in the synagogues about Jesus as the Son of God. The people were amazed because they knew Saul as the man that persecuted Jesus’ followers. What happened to cause him to change? Saul’s preaching became very powerful and the Jewish leaders in Damascus were unable to challenge Saul’s statement that Jesus was the Messiah. Do you remember the story? Can you answer the questions below? If you need help, go to the story as found in the Bible (Acts 9:1-22).
Have questions about God, Jesus, and the Bible? An excellent source for answers to your questions is gotquestions.org. Check it out. gotquestions.org. Would you like to know more about God and his plan of salvation? Then Click Here. |