
Samuel to Saul to David

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Samuel to Saul to David – 1 Samuel 3; 8; 9:1-2, 15-21; 10:1; 13:1-14; 15:10-11; 16:1-13

The Story in a Nutshell

There was a young boy named Samuel.  One night the Lord called out to him and gave him a message.  As Samuel grew up God continued to use him as a messenger and as Israel’s judge.  When Samuel grew old he appointed his sons to be judges, but they were not worthy like Samuel.
So, the Israelites asked Samuel for a king to rule them like all the other nations.  Samuel didn’t like the idea, but the Lord told him to do as they asked.  The Lord also told Samuel to warn them about how a king would treat them, and it wouldn’t be good.  After that, Samuel met a young man named Saul, and the Lord told Samuel that he would be the king.  A few days later, and after several events, Samuel anointed Saul as King of Israel.  Saul and Israel were in many battles against the Ammonites, the Philistines, and others.  During his reign there were times that Saul didn’t do what the Lord told him to do, so the Lord eventually rejected Saul and prepared to replace him with a new king.  Samuel was very sad about Saul’s disobedience to the Lord and he mourned constantly for him.  Then one day the Lord told Samuel to stop mourning and go out and find the new king – the Lord had already selected the new king and he instructed Samuel on how to find him.  Samuel was to find a man named Jesse; one of his sons would be the new king.  Seven sons were presented to Samuel, but the Lord had not chosen any of them.  Finally, a son watching sheep was brought in and presented to Samuel.  His name was David.  And the Lord told Samuel he was the one.  Samuel poured oil on David’s head and at the appointed time, some time later, David became King of Israel.

Review Questions

What happened to Samuel one night?

What did the Israelites want instead of judges?

Who would become the first king of Israel?

What are some of the things Saul did as king?

What did the Lord eventually do with Saul?

After Saul was rejected, what did the Lord tell Samuel to do?

How did Samuel find the next king?

What did Samuel do when he found David?


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