
The Jordan and Jericho

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The Jordan and Jericho – Joshua 2-3, 6

The Story in a Nutshell

After the death of Moses, God chose Joshua to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land.  He gave Joshua instructions for his role and Joshua gave instructions to the people for their role.  Next, Joshua sent two men to spy out the land so a plan could be made to conquer the people.  The men entered the land and stayed the night at the house of Rahab, a prostitute.  Unfortunately, the king of Jericho discovered the plan and sought to catch the men.  The king told Rahab the men were spies sent to discover how to attack them.  Rahab, in turn, told the king that the men had left the city at dusk through the city gate.  But Rahab was really hiding them in a pile of flax on the roof.  That night Rahab had a talk with the men.  She told them she knew that God had given them the land.  She asked them for a guarantee that when Jericho was conquered they would allow her, her parents, and brothers and sisters live.  They agreed.  Then she helped the men escape the city by lowering them on a scarlet rope through a window.  Soon it was time for Joshua and the people to take the land.  In the morning the priests lifted up the Ark of the Covenant and prepared to lead the people across the Jordan River.  When the feet of the priests touched the water the river stopped flowing and the people crossed on dry ground.  Next, Joshua and the people approached Jericho.  God told Joshua to have the people march around the city once a day for six days – the priests walking ahead of the ark, each carrying a ram’s horn.  The seventh day everyone was to march around the city seven times – the priests then giving a long blast on the ram’s horn.  When the people hear the long blast everyone is to shout, and the walls of the city will collapse.  Everyone followed the instructions, the walls fell, and Rahab and her family members were the only ones saved.


Review Questions

Who did god choose to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land?

Who kept the two spies safe by hiding them?

What arrangement did Rahab make with the two spies?

What happened to the Jordan River when the priests stepped into the water?

What did God tell Joshua to have the Israelites do about the city of Jericho?

What happened when the priests blew the ram’s horns and the people shouted?

Who was saved when the walls of Jericho fell?


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