
David and Goliath

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David and Goliath – 1 Samuel 17:1-54

The Story in an Nutshell

War was at hand.  The Philistine army and the Israelite army faced each other on opposite hills with the valley of Elah between them.  The Philistine army had a giant soldier named Goliath.  He was over nine feet tall, wore a helmet and armor weighing over 125 pounds, and the head of his spear alone weighed 15 pounds.  He terrified the Israelite army.  Goliath had an idea. Why have a battle between two armies?  Why not just have a battle between himself and one Israelite soldier? – winner take all.  So, each day Goliath shouted across to the Israelites challenging them to send out a single soldier for battle.  About this time, David’s father sent David to the battlefield to check on his brothers who were in the Israelite army.  When David got there he heard Goliath’s challenge.  David also heard that the king was offering a great reward to anyone that would kill Goliath.  So, David went to Saul and offered to fight Goliath.  Saul thought it was a terrible idea, but David persisted and Saul finally consented.  Saul offered David his armor, but it was too heavy and troublesome, so David simply picked up five smooth stones and, with only his shepherds staff and sling, went out to battle Goliath.  When Goliath saw David he sneered, and roared.  It didn't’t bother David.  David said, “You come to me with sword, spear and Javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord.”  And with that David took his sling and hurled a stone at Goliath.  The stone hit Goliath in his forehead, and Goliath fell to the ground.   David ran over, grabbed Goliath’s sword, and cut off his head.  The Philistine army was so shocked that they turned and ran; the Israelite army chased  them and defeated them.


Review Questions

Who were the Philistines going to war with?

What do you know about the giant Philistine soldier?

What battle plan did the giant Philistine soldier have?

How did David come into the story?

What did David want to do?

What did Saul think about David’s idea?

What did Goliath think about David fighting him?

How did David defeat Goliath?

What happened after David killed Goliath?


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