On the Road to Emmaus – Luke 24:13 – 34 The Story in a Nutshell The story continues… The story continues later on Sunday, after the women had been to the tomb and found the body of Jesus missing. Two men were walking on the road to Emmaus, a village about seven miles from Jerusalem. They were talking about all the events that had happened the past three days. Suddenly, Jesus came up alongside and began walking with them. They didn’t know it was Jesus, however, because God kept them from recognizing him. “You seem to be having quite a discussion,” Jesus said. “What are you talking about?” The two men appeared very sad and disturbed. “Don’t you know what’s happened the past few days,” one asked. “Tell me about it,” Jesus said. The two men told Jesus about “the man from Nazareth.” They said he was a prophet, he did miraculous things, and he was a mighty teacher that was highly thought of by God and many people. Then they talked about the Pharisees and religious teachers ─ how they plotted against the man, had him arrested, and turned over to Pilate. Pilate knew the man wasn’t guilty, but he condemned him to death anyway to satisfy the demands of the people. And after that the man was crucified. “That all happened just three days ago,” the men said. “Then earlier today some women went to the tomb to prepare the body, but the body was gone. It seems angels appeared and told the women that the man was alive.” Then Jesus said to the two men, “Don’t you understand what’s happening?” Why is it so hard to believe what the prophets wrote in the Scriptures? Wasn’t it clearly predicted what would happen to the Messiah?” So Jesus took the two men through the writings of Moses and the prophets and explained all the things that were said about him. And as Jesus explained the Scriptures, a strange warm feeling filled the hearts of the men. By now the three
were nearly at Emmaus. Jesus would have continued on, but the two
men begged him to stay the night with them. Jesus went home with
the men, and they prepared for dinner. Jesus took a small loaf of
bread, blessed it, and gave it to the men. The men were in awe; they remembered how warm they felt as Jesus explained the Scriptures. They decided to hurry back to Jerusalem and tell the eleven disciples and other followers of Jesus what happened and what Jesus explained to them. When the two men arrived in Jerusalem, they were greeted with a good report. “The Lord is alive! He has risen!” It confirmed what they already knew. To be continued… What did you learn from the story? If you want to gain a better understanding of the complete story, and for help in answering some of the questions below, you may want to have the following items as resources: a Bible, a dictionary, and a Bible commentary on the Book of Luke (optional).
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