
The Triumphal Entry

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The Triumphal Entry – Matthew 21:1-11

The Story in a Nutshell

The story continues…

The next day after Mary had anointed Jesus with perfume, he and the disciples headed for Jerusalem.  As they approached the city they came to the small village of Bethphage on the Mount of Olives.  Jesus sent two disciples ahead into the village.  He told them they would find a donkey and its colt tied up there.  “Untie them,” he said, “and bring them to me.  If anyone asks what you’re doing, tell them the Lord needs to use them.  They will understand what you’re doing and allow you to take the animals.”  This was done to fulfill the prophecy of many years ago found in Zechariah 9:9.

The disciples did as Jesus said and brought the animals to him.  Then they placed their garments on the colt, and Jesus sat upon the colt.

By now there were huge crowds lining the roadway into Jerusalem; they heard Jesus was coming.  Most of the crowd spread their coats on the road ahead of Jesus and others cut branches from trees and spread them on the road too.  It was a royal procession, and the crowds were shouting,

“Praise God” for the Son of David! Bless the one who comes in the name of the Lord!
Praise God in highest heaven!

The entire city of Jerusalem was hyper as Jesus entered the city even though many didn’t know who he was.  Many were asking, “Who is this man?”  And others replied, “Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee.”

To be continued…

What did you learn from the story?


If you want to gain a full understanding of the complete story, and for help in answering some of the questions below, you may want to have the following items as additional resources:  a Bible, a dictionary, and a Bible commentary on the Book of Matthew (optional).

  1. When did the story occur? 
  2. Where were Jesus and the disciples headed?
  3. What small village did they come to?  .
  4. What did Jesus send two disciples ahead to do?
  5. If anyone asked what the disciples were doing, what were they to say? 
  6. What did the people do when they were told that Jesus needed the animals? 
  7. What happened when the disciples returned with the animals? 
  8. Why were large crowds lining the roadway? 
  9. What did the people do ahead of Jesus?
  10. What was the crowd shouting as Jesus entered the city? 
  11. Did everyone know who Jesus was?    What were they asking?
  12. What did the crowd reply?
  13.  Did the crowd even know who Jesus really was? 
  14. What did you learn about God, Jesus, and people from the story?

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