
Philip and the Ethiopian

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Philip and the Ethiopian – Acts 8:26-40

The Story in a nutshell

One day, an angel of the Lord told Philip to, “Go south,” so he did. 

On the road from Jerusalem to Gaza he met the treasurer of Ethiopia.  He was riding in a carriage and reading aloud from the prophet Isaiah.  The Holy Spirit told Philip to go over, walk along side the carriage, and listen to what the man was reading, so he did. 

Soon, Philip asked the man if he understood what he was reading.  The man said, “How can I when there is nobody to teach me?”  The man asked Philip to join him in the carriage and explain to him what he was reading, so he did.

Philip explained the Scripture and went on to tell him the good news about Jesus.  The man was so taken by the news that he asked to be baptized, so he was.

When the man came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord took Philip away and the man never saw Philip again.  The man went away rejoicing in Jesus while Philip found himself in the north at the City of Azotus.  From there he preached the Good News in every city until he came to Caesarea.


Do you remember the story?  Can you answer the questions below?    If you need help, go to the story as found in the Bible (Acts 8:26-40)

  1. Where did the angel of the Lord tell Philip to go?
  2. Who did Philip meet on the road?
  3. What was the man doing?
  4. What problem did the man have?
  5. What did the man ask Philip to do?
  6. How did Philip help?
  7. After listening to Philip, what did the man want?
  8. What happened to Philip as the man came up out of the water?
  9. What happened next?


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