Solomon and Wisdom 1 Kings 1:38-40; 2:1-4; 3:6-15; Proverbs 1:1-7; Ecclesiastes 1:1; 12:9-10; 13-14, Song of Solomon
The Story in a Nutshell
Before King
David died he wanted to assure the future of Israel, so he had his son,
Solomon, anointed to be the next king. As the time for King
David’s death approached, he went to great lengths to encourage Solomon
to follows God’s ways in everything he would do. And if he
followed God’s ways, he would be very successful. Shortly after
Solomon established his rule as king, the Lord appeared to him in a
dream. The Lord said to Solomon, “Ask what you want of me and I
will give it to you.” Solomon realized how challenging it would
to be king, so instead of asking for things like riches or glory, he
asked for wisdom. The Lord was so pleased with Solomon’s request
that he not only gave him wisdom, but he gave him wealth as well.
With the wisdom God gave Solomon, Solomon wrote many proverbs (general
truths or pieces of advice). Solomon wanted the people to receive
wise instruction in discipline, good conduct, and doing what is right,
just, and fair. Solomon wanted his subjects to be wise for he
knew that the beginning of knowledge and wisdom is fear of the Lord. He
also knew that fools would despise wisdom and discipline and he didn’t
want a nation of fools. In addition to Proverbs, Solomon wrote the Book
of Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon.
Review Questions
What did David want to do before he died?
What did David encourage Solomon to do?
When God told Solomon he could have anything he wanted, what did Solomon ask for?
What did God give Solomon?
What did Solomon do with the wisdom God gave him?
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