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Community – Acts 4:32 – 5:16

The Story in a nutshell

There was a strong sense of togetherness in the early church – the people were united in heart and mind.  They shared their possessions and there were no needy people.  Some people even sold their land and gave the money to the apostles to give to the poor.  A man named Joseph was one that did that and so did Ananias and his wife Sapphira. But Ananias and Sapphira lied about the amount of money they received when they sold their land; they wanted to keep some of the money for themselves. The problem wasn’t about keeping some of the money for themselves; it was lying to the Holy Spirit.  And there was a consequence for lying to the Holy Spirit; they both died.

There was a lot of energy and excitement in the early church and that included the apostles performing miraculous signs and wonders among the people.  As a result of the apostles work, crowds from all around the area brought their sick and those possessed by evil spirits to Jerusalem, and they were healed.

More and more people believed in the message of the apostles, and they came to know the Lord.

Do you remember the story?  Can you answer the questions below?  If you need help, go to the story as found in the Bible (Acts 4:32 – 5:16).

  1. Why didn’t any of the believers have needs?
  2. When Ananias and Sapphira sold their property, what did they do?
  3. What happened when Ananias and Sapphira lied to the Holy Spirit?
  4. How could this have been avoided?
  5. What did the apostles do in the early church?
  6. What did the crowds in the area do, and what happened?
  7. What happened when people believed the message of the apostles?


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