| Peter and John Arrested
Peter and John Arrested – Acts 4:1-22The Story in a nutshell While Peter and John were speaking to people at the Temple, the Temple priests, the captain of the Temple Guard, and some Sadducees came up to them. They were very disturbed about the healing of the lame man and that Peter and John were teaching about the resurrection of the dead. They arrested Peter and John and put them in jail. The next day the religious leaders had a meeting with Peter and John. They demanded to know, “By what power, or in whose name, did you heal the lame man?” Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, told the religious leader how the man was healed – by the powerful name of Jesus. Peter reminded them that it was they that crucified Jesus and it was God who raised him from the dead. Then Peter said, “There is salvation in no one else, only Jesus.” The religious leaders were amazed at the boldness of Peter and John for they were ordinary people with no special training in the Scriptures. Now there was a problem. There had been a miraculous healing, and the people were amazed. The religious leaders didn’t know what to do. They had a special private meeting to discuss the problem. It was a predicament. Everyone in Jerusalem knew about the miracle. If they punished Peter and John it would likely cause a riot. The religious leaders finally told Peter and John not to talk about Jesus anymore, but Peter and John said they couldn’t do that. The religious leaders were really in a tough spot – a miracle had been performed, everyone was praising God, and Peter and John were going to continue to talk about Jesus. The religious leaders couldn’t win so, despite their desire to punish Peter and John, they had no choice but to let Peter and John go. Do you remember the story? Can you answer the questions below? If you need help, go to the story as found in the Bible (Acts 4:1-22).
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