

Call - Covenant - Promise

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Call - Covenant - Promise

The Story in a Nutshell

“Call” Genesis 12:1-7
Abram and his wife lived in the village of Haran. One day the LORD told Abram to leave his country and go to a land he would show him.  He told Abram he would become the father of a great nation and there would be great blessings for him.  So Abram did as told and traveled to a land called Canaan.  Once there, the LORD told Abram that He would give all the land to his offspring.

“Covenant” Genesis 15:1-21

Abram followed God and was blessed.  Then one day Abram said to God, “What good are your blessings when I don’t even have a son?”  So God told Abram that he would have a son.  Because Abram believed God, God declared Abram righteous.  Then God reminded Abram about giving him the land, but Abram wasn't’t sure.  “How can I be sure you will give me this land?”  To reassure Abram, God first had Abram prepare a sacrifice, next Abram had a vision from God, and finally, God made a covenant with Abram giving the land to his descendants.

“Promise” Genesis 17:1-8

When Abram was 90 years old, God appeared and told him to serve him faithfully and live a blameless life.  Then God said, “I will make you the father of not just one nation, but of many nations. From now on you will be known as Abraham, not Abram”.  This covenant between, God, Abraham, and his descendants would continue forever.  God promised he would always be their God and give them all the land of Canaan forever.


Review Questions

When Abram was living in Haran, What did God tell him to do?

What did God tell Abram he would become?

When Abram complained about not having a son, what did God say?

When Abram said, “How can I be sure that you will give me this land,” what did God do?

How did Noah know that there was dry land outside the ark?

What was the first thing Noah did after he and his wife, his sons and their wives, and the animal returned to dry earth?

When Abram was 90 years old, God did several things.  What were they?


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