
Paul Preaches in Rome

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Paul Preaches in Rome – Acts 28:11-31

The Story in a nutshell

Three months after the shipwreck, Paul sets sail for Rome.  When he arrived in Rome he was given private housing, although guarded by a soldier.  Three days after arriving in Rome, Paul meets with the local Jewish leaders.  He tells them everything that has happened to him including that he believes the hope of Israel, the Messiah, has come.
The Jewish leaders respond that they have heard nothing about Paul, but they want to hear what he believes.  Further, the only thing they know about Christians is that nobody likes them.

A time was set, and Paul spoke to the people.  He told them about the Kingdom of God and taught them about Jesus from the Scriptures – the five books of Moses and the books of the Prophets.  Some believed and some didn’t.  He wanted the people to realize that salvation from God was available to the Gentiles as well as the Jews. 

For the next two years Paul lived in his own rented house, welcomed all that visited him, and preached about the Kingdom of God and Jesus, and nobody tried to stop him.

Do you remember the story?  Can you answer the questions below?  If you need help, go to the story as found in the Bible (Acts 28:11-31).

  1. What was Paul given when he arrived in Rome?
  2. What did Paul do shortly after he arrived in Rome?
  3. What does Paul believe when he speaks to the Jewish leaders?
  4. What did the Jewish leaders say to Paul?
  5. What did the Jewish leaders know about Christians?
  6. When Paul spoke to the people, what are some things he wanted them to know?
  7. What happened with Paul over the next two years?


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