
Great Commission and Ascension

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Great Commission and Ascension – Acts 1:1-8

The Story in a nutshell

What now?  Jesus had lived, was crucified and died, was buried, then disappeared from the tomb.  Had Jesus risen from the tomb as he said he would or had he been stolen and taken away? What happened?  A lot of people wondered.  So, here’s the truth.

When Jesus rose from the dead he knew that the disciples would be afraid and concerned.  So, over the next 40 days he appeared to the disciples a number of different times and in a number of different ways.  He wanted to assure them that he was alive and well, he wanted to talk to them more about God, and he wanted to get them ready for when he would go to heaven.

One time during the 40 days, the disciples kept asking, “Lord, are you going to free Israel now and restore our kingdom?”  Jesus replied, “The Father sets those dates, they are not for you to know.”

Another time Jesus told the disciples to stay in Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit came upon them.  He said that when the Holy Spirit came upon them they would receive power and they would tell people everywhere about Jesus – in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth.  Not only that, they would also baptize people in his name and make disciples.

Finally, after 40 days, it was time for Jesus to go to heaven; the disciples watched in awe as Jesus disappeared into a cloud.  As they watched, two white-robed men suddenly appeared and told them that someday, just as you saw him go, he would return.

Do you remember the story?  Can you answer the questions below?  If you need help, go to the story as found in the Bible (Acts 1:1-8)

  1. When Jesus rose from the dead, what did he know about the disciples?
  2. What did Jesus do to calm the fears of the disciples?
  3. Jesus wanted to do three things during the 40 days he appeared to the disciples.  What were they?
  4. When the disciples asked Jesus when he was going to return and restore Israel, what did Jesus say?
  5. Why did Jesus tell the disciples to stay in Jerusalem?
  6. After the disciples received power from the Holy Spirit, what were they to do?
  7. What happened to Jesus after his 40 day stay on earth?
  8. What happened as the disciples watched Jesus go up into heaven? 


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