
Day of Pentecost

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Day of Pentecost – Acts 2:1-14, 32-41

The Story in a nutshell

On the Day of Pentecost, an annual Jewish celebration which takes place 50 days after the Passover, followers of Jesus were meeting together in Jerusalem.  Suddenly there was a roaring sound like a mighty windstorm in the sky; it filled the place where they were meeting.  Then, what looked like leaping flames of fire appeared and settled on each of the believers.  Everyone was filled with the Holy Spirit and each began to speak in a language other than their own. They were speaking about God and how great and awesome he is.

Godly Jews from many other countries were living in Jerusalem at this time.  When they heard the roaring sound, they came running to see what was happening.  They were shocked to hear their own languages being spoken by the believers.  “How can this be,” they said?  “These people are not from any of our countries.”  Many thought this was amazing, but others said the believers were just drunk with wine.

Then Peter and the 11 other disciples stepped forward and spoke to the crowd.  Peter shared about Jesus the Messiah.  The crowd was touched by the message and wanted to know more about how to come to Jesus.  Peter encourage the crowd to repent (turn from their sins and turn to God) and be baptized, and 3,000 became believers and followers of Jesus that day.

Do you remember the story?  Can you answer the questions below?  If you need help, go to the story as found in the Bible (Acts 2:1-14, 32-41).

  1. What is Pentecost?
  2. What were the believers doing on the Day of Pentecost?
  3. What happened to the believers on the Day of Pentecost?
  4. What happened when the Jewish visitors from other countries heard the roaring sound?
  5. Many thought the events of the day were amazing, but what did others think?
  6. When Peter and the other disciples spoke to the crowd, what two things happened?
  7. What did Peter encourage the crowd to do?

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