Thus Sayeth
the Refrigerator Door
Listing of Illustrations
Be careful where you go
Be careful who you follow
Build it on the Rock
Choose your friends wisely
Dare to be different
Don't bug me
Ernest or Ernest's car
Every decision has a Consequence
Feeling crabby
Flashlight and battery
Food for thought
Get hooked on God
Getting stoned
Got your armour on
Greener grass
Headlamp and path
How do you know what you can do
How do you know where you are going
How's your radar
Keep your mouth shut
Mom Mabry mirror
Mom Mabry video
Not me - be smart
Parked submarine
Socks and dandelions
Space Rover
Telephone call
The bottom line
Think before you act
This is your brain on drugs
Watchman on the wall
We think you're great
What are you thinking
What's that
Where He lead me - airplane
Where He leads me - bicycle
Which way are you goiing
Whoa and Wow
After selecting an illustration, go to the illustration, copy it, paste it to new blank document, and print it to desired size. If necessary, refer to "Introduction" for use.