The Keys
to Discipleship |
Bob’ Perspective Jesus, Proverbs 22:6, and a dedicated disciple are the keys to
discipleship and the training up of your children.
First, if you are going to train up you children in the way they should go, then you need to be a dedicated follower of Jesus, a disciple. As you train up your children they then by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone have the opportunity to become followers of Jesus and disciples too. It’s a perpetuating cycle. It’s your role as a parent or acting parent “to disciple” your children. Second, what does it mean “to disciple”? A definition of the world today could well be, “To assist and guide one to grow in belief, faith, hope, trust and obedience to an entity such as a person, an organization, a business, a philosophy, a culture, and, how to live their life therein.” With that definition in mind, whom do you believe will do the best job of training up your children to follow Jesus, become a disciple, and live in this world? • The government and representatives thereof? • Public schools (government schools) and the teachers therein? • The culture and representatives thereof? • Postmodernists and postmodernism as expressed through agencies, organizations, and services focusing on children and youth development? • A dedicated follower (a disciple) of Jesus? Third, what is the process of training up your children? It’s called discipleship. Christian discipleship involves the actions and efforts of a dedicated follower of Jesus (a disciple) to help others establish, grow and build a personal relationship with Jesus. It includes helping one to follow Jesus, become like Jesus (Christlike), embrace His values, reproduce his teachings, and mentor others to become disciples of Jesus too. “Christian discipleship connotes a relationship with a master teacher, following them, and adhering to their way of life because their teaching shapes your own world view. “Discipleship meant much more than just the transfer of information . . . it referred to imitating the teacher’s life, inculcating his values, and reproducing his teachings.”2 Therefore, Christian discipleship connotes a relationship with a master teacher, following them, and adhering to their way of life because their teaching shapes your own world view.” Cited from "What is Christian discipleship?" got Discipleship of children and a family is a full-time job! The local church can and should help you, but it’s your duty and your responsibility and it’s a seven days a week job. Fourth, what model should you use to disciple your family? Jesus was the Master of discipleship, so use his model. Here is what Jesus did: • set an example and taught before calling the disciples • prayed all night before calling disciples • spent time (did life) with the disciples • taught the disciples, answered questions, responded to life situations and teachable moments (scores of them) • watched them gain understanding, asked them questions, affirmed and challenged them • sent them out in pairs to do what He had been doing • called them together for a report of what they did • prayed for them • prepared them for His departure • sent them out to do what He had been doing (make disciples of all nations). Cited from "The Jesus Model of Disciple-Making" 28Nineteen Finally, you can learn to do what Jesus did to train up your family! 1. Find a solid Bible-based church to assist you. 2. Become involved with a strong Christian discipleship ministry such as Sauntering with God. Gary Brown, a retired pastor of some 44 years, and also living in North Idaho, embraces Jesus’ model of discipleship. I encourage you to examine and consider contacting Gary. It could be well worth your time. What did you gain from Bob's perspective on the keys to training up your children? Final comment: I wish I had known what I’ve shared with you about discipleship and other information throughout this site when I was raising up my family; it would have been invaluable! |